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It is important that a property's owners receive timely and accurate reports concerning the performance of their property. At a minimum, a monthly profit and loss statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, monthly check register, rent roll, aging accounts receivable report, and an aging accounts payables report are all routinely provided. All reports can be provided in any format desired by ownership and can be delivered hard copy or electronically. In addition, many reports are accessible online daily. CAPCOM believes in complete and total financial transparency. A variety of financial reports are maintained on line and accessible to ownership 24/7. This ability gives ownership the opportunity to "drill down" on any item, on any report, at any time. It has been our experience that owners like to see their checking account in real time. In addition, nearly every supporting document for every transaction is maintained electronically online. It is CAPCOM's practice to scan into PDF format every document concerning a property not only so that nothing ever gets lost, but so that it can be shared. Therefore, ownership can see an invoice, a lease, a vendor's contract, a payroll detail, utility bills, bank statements, or practically anything regarding the property. Lastly, CAPCOM is well versed in a variety of accounting programs from YARDI to Quick Books and uses off site backup to safeguard all of its data.

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